
Do something today that your future self will thank you for.

One of the best things about life is the chance to try again, to commit to work harder, and to improve ourselves when we see weaknesses, faults, and imperfections. Self-improvement is directly correlated with happiness, and ultimately leads to success and prosperity.

At, we are obsessed (in a good way, we think) with self-improvement, talent development, killing bad habits and encouraging good ones. We hope that you find something here that will help you today and in the future as you work alongside others to improve, to become your best self.

Education | Government | Higher Education | Religion | Self Improvement

7 Lies About Thomas Jefferson, a Bible-Believing Christian

The Founding Fathers of the United States of America have long been remembered as some of the most inspired people to inhabit this planet. Their commitment to freedom and the ideas they came together to shape into the Declaration of Independence and later the Constitution has carried the principles of fundamental human rights and the…

Children & Youth | Education | Religion | Self Improvement

How to Prevent Homosexuality and Gender Confusion in Children

The erosion of morality and traditional values – especially over the several decades since the sexual revolution of the 1960s – has created a culture in modern society that is confusing in too many ways. Random public shootings, depression, anxiety, suicide, a general lack of honesty and integrity, and a host of other societal breakdowns…

Self Improvement

Getting Things Done – David Allen’s Productivity Time Management Method

Doing more is a popular thing these days. The more motivated segment of the population seems to always be looking for ways to do more with less, to make the most of each day, each hour, each minute. Programs abound to help you be healthier, wealthier, smarter, more spiritual, more disciplined…better all around. Well, I’m…

Budgeting | Finances | Self Improvement

Using Financial Goals and Incentives to Increase Family Productivity and Protect Wealth

Several years ago, my wife brought up with me the topic of purchasing a nice mini-grand piano to put into our front, formal room. We did a little research and found out that we’d be looking at spending in the range of $5,000 to $10,000 to get something that matched what my wife and I…

Government | Self Improvement

The 5,000 Year Leap – 28 Principles of Freedom that Founded America

If we were to grade the United States of America on how well the nation and its citizens are upholding the privileges and opportunity we inherited from the country’s founders, we’d be disappointed in where we’ve slipped to over the past two centuries. The understanding of why and how America became the world’s leader in…

Buying A Home | Debt | Employment | Entrepreneurship | Finances | Investing | Mortgages | Online Learning | Real Estate | Self Improvement | Selling A Home

How To Become Rich – The Richest Man in Babylon Formula

The Richest Man In Babylon is a fictional story with sound principles that have helped people become wealthy through their application. This first part comes from the part of the book “Seven Curses For A Lean Purse”. Heed the advice in each of these sections, and your “purse” will become fat and overflowing with wealth….