Creating SKUs and Inventory Tracking for Products in BigCommerce

Creating SKUs and Inventory Tracking for Products in BigCommerce

SKU stands for “Stock Keeping Unit”. They are useful tools that help you to keep track of your products and be able to tell them apart. You can create unique SKUs for each option of a product so that, for example, a blue t-shirt can be easily told apart from a pink tshirt – even…

Creating and Applying Option Sets in BigCommerce

Creating and Applying Option Sets in BigCommerce

Having variables and options on your product page allows customers to easily customize your product based on the colors, sizes, and other options you have available. If you have a product that you need to add variables to, you will need to create options and option sets. Creating Options and Option Sets Follow these steps…

Best and Most Popular WordPress Plugins

Best and Most Popular WordPress Plugins

WordPress is the most popular technology used to build websites. It’s the framework for about 40% of the websites online today. If you’re thinking about building your website using WordPress, be sure to take a look at our article on How to Install and Set up WordPress. What makes WordPress such an attractive content management…

An Online Lead Generation Strategy That Always Works
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An Online Lead Generation Strategy That Always Works, the encyclopedia of prosperity, is dedicated to helping our community become more knowledgeable about how to be prosperous. To that end, this article describes a strategy for efficiently growing a business built on product marketing and sales using a proven lead generation strategy. Article Summary This article describes the steps involved in creating an…

How to Transfer A Wix Domain to Google Cloud Platform

How to Transfer A Wix Domain to Google Cloud Platform

Wix is a popular, relatively new platform for creating a website and publishing content on the internet. If you’ve spent any time on YouTube recently, chances are you’ve seen the Wix ads showing you how easy it is to build a website using the Wix hosted website builder. While it’s true that Wix is simple,…

How to Set Goals and Achieve Them
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How to Set Goals and Achieve Them

Setting goals is something that everyone has heard of, but very few people implement. Goal setting takes discipline to put into action and more so to stay consistent with it. If you understand the 5 SMART goal methodology and how to write SMART goals, naturally, you’ll be able to accomplish more in a short period…

Converting Adobe Illustrator to VideoScribe Whiteboard Animation Tutorial

Converting Adobe Illustrator to VideoScribe Whiteboard Animation Tutorial

One of the founders and content contributors for Prosperopedia, my buddy and business partner Ben Accinelli, happens to be an expert in photography, filming, and video editing. I asked Ben to brain dump some of the stuff he knows about video editing. In particular, I wanted to know how he created the whiteboard graphics he made…