
Healthcare topics affects so much of every person’s life. Advances in medicine, research breakthroughs, insurance and other components of paying for and receiving quality healthcare all matter when it comes to your personal health.

Prosperopedia is the handbook for prosperity, including things related to health and well-being. Our articles cover the critical topics that matter in the healthcare industry.

Trump’s Healthcare Pricing Transparency Executive Order

My wife recently gave birth to our seventh child. Just a few months before he was born, we moved from…

4 years ago

List of Autoimmune Diseases

One of the functions of a healthy immune system to protect the body from organisms that can harm it such…

4 years ago

Antibiotics and Allergies: Damaging Infants Microbiome Causes Allergic Disease

Recently I came across an article that discussed how giving antibiotics to infants can increase their risk of developing allergies…

4 years ago

Fixing the United States Healthcare System in Three Steps

Since the very first times I can remember paying for my own healthcare expenses - shortly after I became an…

6 years ago

Why Expanding Medicaid Is Not “What Jesus Would Have Us Do”

This morning I noticed a headline on titled, "'What Jesus would have us do': Utah religious leaders urge support…

6 years ago