
United States Employment Statistics for 2022

We have compiled a pretty comprehensive list of statistics related to employment in the United States. Included in this list are things like unemployment rates, most popular and highest paying careers, general workforce related data, and lots of other facts and information that describe the United States economy in terms of employment and jobs data.

Each of these pieces of employment related data includes a reference to the publication or report in which the original employment statistics can be found.

US General Population Statistics

Total US Population

Source: US Department of Commerce Estimate for Jan 1, 2022

Total Adults
or 77.9% of total US population

Source: Census.gov

Working Age Population
(Ages 15 – 64)

Source: FRED Economic Data

Largest Industries in US

The chart below shows the largest industries in the United States as measured by total revenue.

Source: IBISWorld.com

US Industry2022 Estimated Revenue
1) Retirement and Pension Plans$1.2579 Trillion
2) Health and Medical Insurance$1.1451 Trillion
3) Drug, Cosmetic & Toiletry Wholesaling$1.0499 Trillion
4) New Car Dealers$987.8 Billion
5) Hospitals$968.5 Billion
6) Life Insurance and Annuities$886.7 Billion
7) Pharmaceutical Wholesale$868.8 Billion
8) Public Schools$791.0 Billion
9) Supermarkets and Grocery Stores$758.4 Billion
10) Commercial Banking$704.3 Billion
Largest 10 industry sectors in the United States as measured by total revenue across the industry.

Highest Paying Jobs in the United States

As of 2022, the highest paying occupation in the United States is anesthesiologist. The average salary for an anesthesiologist is $271,440.

Listed below are the 25 highest paying jobs in the United States as of 2022.

OccupationAverage Salary
Surgeons (Except Ophthalmologists)$251,650
Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons$234,990
Physicians and Ophthalmologists (Except Pediatric)$218,850
Family Medicine Physicians$214,370
General Internal Medicine Physicians$210,960
Chief Executives$197,840
Nurse Anesthetists$189,190
Airline Pilots$186,870
Computer and Information Systems Managers$161,730
Architectural and Engineering Managers$158,100
Natural Sciences Managers$154,930
Marketing Managers$154,470
Petroleum Engineers$154,330
Financial Managers$151,510
Marketing and Sales Managers$150,400
Sales Managers$147,580
Purchasing Managers$132,660
Some of the highest paying jobs in the United States, with average annual salaries.
Richard Robbins

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