Princeton University School Profile

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Introduction to Princeton University

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1746 (as College of New Jersey)

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  • Under God’s Power She Flourishes ( Latin: “Dei Sub Numine Viget”)
  • In the Nation’s Service and the Service of Humanity

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Princeton, University is a private university located in Princeton, New Jersey, The motto of the school is “In The Nation’s Service And The Service of Humanity”, words taken from two people: Woodrow Wilson (Class of 1879), who served as 13th President of the university before becoming president of the United States and from Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotamayer (Class of 1976) This university, founded in 1746, is the fourth oldest in the nation.

Princeton is a liberal arts university with service at the heart of its mission and purpose. Students and alumni are pushed to use their research and education to better the world and in return the university gives them the support and resources to accomplish that.

Evidence of their service efforts, is the yearly 15,000 alumni who volunteer their service in various ways to serve Princeton and university sponsored projects.

It is remarkable to note that 27 Princeton faculty and staff members have won the prestigious Nobel Prize, 17 alumni were given this award, 3 alumni serve as justices on the Supreme Court, 23 Rhodes Scholars in the past ten years and 2 alumni served as U.S. Presidents.

Perhaps even more surprising in Princeton’s facts and figures is that 82% of recent seniors graduated with no debt!

Princeton has a generous financial aid program for students. It ensures that talented students from all economic backgrounds can afford an education at Princeton.

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Degrees Offered at Princeton University

Princeton University offers 106 different degree programs

Princeton University has 55 interdisciplinary undergraduate certificate programs. “Certificates of proficiency” enable students to supplement their work in their departmental concentrations with focused study in another, often interdisciplinary, field.

Certificate Programs are similar in many ways to the minors offered at other universities.) Bachelor of Arts (or A.B. degrees) includes concentrations in the Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs and the School of Architecture. For graduate students, there are 18 master degree programs, and 33 interdisciplinary/interdepartmental doctoral programs.

Princeton Undergraduate Programs

Princeton is a major research university with a strong commitment to undergraduate education. Because of Princeton’s 5:1 faculty to student ratio, this fosters opportunities for students to develop close working relationships with professors, considered leaders in their fields of study. Students are encouraged to explore a wide variety of disciplines in their liberal arts education and will gain a strong understanding in one area of concentration.

Undergraduate programs consist of certificate programs. Certificate of Proficiency programs include required courses and a senior thesis or another sizable piece of independent work. Students are encouraged to identify their interest in a certificate program early in their academic endeavors.

These programs give students two options to choose from the first being the opportunity to pursue a special area of interest that is closely related to their departmental concentration. The second option allows students to study intellectual interests unrelated to a departmental concentration. Unique to this university is that the office of the Dean of the College oversees each undergrad student’s academic experience from admission to graduation. Princeton also offers undergraduate students over 100 semester or year long programs for studying abroad.

All seniors are required to research and complete an in depth thesis paper or thesis project according to their area of study.

Princeton Graduate Programs

Princeton University has been named by the U.S. Department of State’s Bureau of Educational and Cultural Affairs as the top producer of Fulbright Scholars. Their focus is on doctoral education, having a select number of master’s degree programs. Ph D. degrees include the Social Sciences, Humanities, Natural Sciences, and Engineering. Princeton emphasizes independent and original scholarship.

Princeton’s Academic Calendar

Princeton offers a semester based academic calendar. Classes are taught during a fall and spring term. Each term is fifteen weeks long. There are twelve weeks of scheduled classes and a ten day reading period for preparation of final course work. There is an 11-day final exam period.

Princeton Admissions Information

ADMISSIONS CONTACT: (609) 258-3060)

Contact Page:

Princeton Admission Requirements: (2019)

Incoming Freshmen

SAT score: 1500

ACT score: 34

Average GPA: 3.91

Acceptance Rate: 5.5%

Total Applicants 35,370

Application Deadline:

Single Choice-early action: Nov 1

Regular Decision Jan 1

Transfer Students

Transfer application dates and deadlines: March 1

What kind of an education can you expect from Princeton University? With smaller class sizes and more faculty to student ratio, a student can have a very individualized education. All freshman are required to live in on campus in one of six residential colleges the first two years at Princeton. Each offers a variety of academic, social, cultural and recreational programs, as well as academic advising. Students get a residential experience that give them an opportunity to take the fullest possible advantage of the diversity and educational opportunities at Princeton.

Princeton School Rankings

Most of the following ranking systems focus on factors such as how tuition costs compared with the average salary graduates of the school receive right after graduation and over the decade or so following graduation.

Here is where this university ranks.

US News Ranking: 1
Forbes: 5 5
Money: 1
The Wall Street Journal: 9

In addition to the rankings above, the following niche rankings have been received by Princeton or by the following colleges and departments.

#1 Best undergraduate teaching (US World & News Report)
#1 Best Value (U.S. News & World Report)
#1 Physical Science (Time Higher Education)
#5 Social Sciences (Times Higher Education)
#10 (tied with 3 other schools) Best public affairs program (Woodrow Wilson School of Public and International Affairs)
#10 Arts and Humanities (Times Higher Education)
#17 in Best engineering schools (U.S. World & News Report)

Cost of Attending Princeton University

The cost of four years tuition is estimated at $47,140.

Cost after financial aid $8,848.

Princeton University’s predictions for tuition and other school expenses:

$66,700 for tuition, college fee, room and board for the 2018-2019 school year.

$53,100: the average grant for a student admitted to the class of 2022.

$13,600: Average net cost of tuition, college fee, room, and board for aid recipients.

70% more expensive than the national average private non-private four year college tuition of $27,755.

Paying for a Princeton University Education

Although tuition sounds expensive, Princeton is committed to offering affordable tuition. They offer a generous financial aid program to undergraduates and graduates helping students to graduate debt free. In addition to this, Princeton offers their graduates significant University support and additional funding resources. 60% of undergraduate students receive tuition help through financial aid.


Job opportunities are available to both aid-eligible and non-aid-eligible students students who can work campus jobs. These are paid on a bi-weekly basis. Employment is available in a wide variety of departments on campus. You can find details on Princeton University website under Student Employment website.

If you receive financial aid from the university you are encouraged to work during the academic year. The wages you earn from a campus job you can use to cover out of pocket expenses such as travel, personal items, and textbooks. If you receive financial aid and choose not to work, any personal expenses you will have to cover some other way.


Princeton University awards undergraduate scholarships on the basis of financial need. These are awarded by the Financial Aid department and you can find out more information by going to Princeton’s Giving To Princeton Page.

Notable Princeton University Graduates

  • Former U.S. President- Woodrow Wilson
  • Supreme Court Justice- Sonia Sotamayer
  • CEO Hewlett- Packard Meg Whitman
  • Actress -Brooke Shields
  • Wife Of A U.S. President- Michelle Obama
  • Actor-James Stewart
  • Former U.S. President-John F. Kennedy
  • Author-F Scott Fitzgerald
  • Founder of Amazon-Jeff Bezos
  • 26 Staff and Faculty Nobel Prize Winners
  • Former Director FBI- Robert Mueller

Princeton University Sports Programs

Princeton University has one of the biggest and most successful athletic programs in the NCAA. Princeton offers 37 men’s and women’s varsity sports. Princeton University is a member of the Ivy League is an American Collegiate Conference which is comprised of eight private universities. Princeton also offers intramural sports featuring a variety of sports and activities for students, faculty, and staff of the university. Beginners to the more advanced players can find their place to participate in the sports offered. More information is available on the Princeton University Athletics page.
